Thursday, March 29, 2012

Asking Why Questions...Why Ask WHY? (Seriously, a client just asked me that!)

We were doing an exercise, where I told a (rather boring) story and someone else in the group, tagged as the Listener was charged with asking questions to find out more (I was purposely vague) and then repeat my story to the group. One participant was confused (and I guess frustrated) and shouted out, "So why would you want me to be asking all these stupid "Why?" questions?"

The point I tried to drive home is that by creating meaningful connections and developing rapport with those you do business with, you will most likely enjoy a more pleasant, rewarding and mutually beneficial relationship. By asking “Why?” you show interest in the other person. If you are actively listening, you will learn about that other person’s motivations for the things he does and the reasons behind any mis-communications.

This person went on to complain that his colleagues "would never change" and "don't care about me...!"

I suggested he start to ask them some general question about an ideal scenario, “What if we tried….?” Or “Would there be valuing in considering…” to an individual or group, it can open up discussion of alternative solutions instead of feeding an argument about the problem.

This guy was tough....we'll have to see.

Monday, March 12, 2012

On the premise that the $3 to $5 million firm must specialize to really prosper, what are the necessary steps to follow in order to select a niche(s)?

The concept of niche-focused marketing is based on a “divide and conquer” principle but I have found marketing to be much more effective when you take that niche (industry or service) and pare it down even more – around an IDEAL CLIENT within that niche.

Steps to identify your IDEAL CLIENT:

Write down a list of your ten favorite clients and your ten most lucrative; hopefully, there’ll be some crossover. If 2 or 3 are in the same industry, start from there. Pay attention to the more subtle attributes they have in common. You shouldn’t have to get too creative here; if there is no common denominator, then start with your favorite client that is also on the high revenue list. The fact they are one of your most lucrative clients should show that the marketplace will support getting more clients like this one. The fact that it’s on your favorite list means you should be motivated to try and get more clients like this one.
If you want to know WHAT to do to market yourself and your firm successfully to them, call TIERNEY Coaching & Consulting!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Have you Ever Heard of The Four Agreements?

I find myself discussing this book with more and more of my clients. The Four Agreements is a mystical, spiritual book written by Toltec Indian, Don Miguel Ruiz, who hopes that readers will question the unnecessary agreements that they make in their domesticated lives. The book is touted as a practical guide to personal freedom. The four agreements are as follows:

Always Speak your Impeccable Truth
Don’t Take Anything Personally
Never Assume
Always Do Your Best

Impeccable means without sin – so, no self-depreciation or gossip - no lies. Taking things personally addresses the inadequacies that we feel from how we perceive other’s actions and behavior. To not assume means to dismiss the fear of asking more questions because it won’t be assumed that you are dumb if you do. Finally, your best will waiver depending on how much sleep you get or as years pass. Do your best and be okay with today’s “best” – this way, your less apt to take it personally….they really all feed into each other beautifully, don’t they?

Integrating just one of these agreements can make a huge difference in your life. I ask my clients to pick one agreement they’d like to work on. I believe that, if corporate America could implement the Four Agreements in the workplace, the nation’s productivity would increase by at least 30%.

There are workshops that utilize the concept of the Four Agreements. TIERNEY Coaching & Consulting can help facilitate such a workshop if there is interest. Let me know!